Two questions: what is the real driver behind astronomical Healthcare costs? Insurance companies? The cost of Healthcare equipment? A variety of factors?
And have any studies been done on Healthcare disparities in other countries? I'm wondering if a national system, such as in Canada or the UK, cuts down on this.
Thank you for reading Michelle. For your first question, in general there has been a rise in healthcare costs post-pandemic that is related to inflation and the healthcare infrastructure. However, inadequate health care coverage coupled with higher deductibles mean that the cost of care is not falling more on patients. Even those with insurance, like myself, are paying higher copays. For your second question, there are many studies that focus on global healthcare disparities. Depending on what specific area you're most interested in, I would recommend PubMed as there are many Open Access articles or abstracts you can review fof free. There are also specific organizations, like Partners In Health (PIH) that toward addressing the unique health disparities that people face in various countries. PIH is unique as they specifically "accompany" the governments in the countries where they work. PIH Canada might be of interest. They also have a PIH in Haiti and Rwanda that might speak more to the healthcare disparities angle.
Thanks! Will check those out. 🙏🏻
Thanks for this and for the boom recommendation.
Two questions: what is the real driver behind astronomical Healthcare costs? Insurance companies? The cost of Healthcare equipment? A variety of factors?
And have any studies been done on Healthcare disparities in other countries? I'm wondering if a national system, such as in Canada or the UK, cuts down on this.
Thank you for reading Michelle. For your first question, in general there has been a rise in healthcare costs post-pandemic that is related to inflation and the healthcare infrastructure. However, inadequate health care coverage coupled with higher deductibles mean that the cost of care is not falling more on patients. Even those with insurance, like myself, are paying higher copays. For your second question, there are many studies that focus on global healthcare disparities. Depending on what specific area you're most interested in, I would recommend PubMed as there are many Open Access articles or abstracts you can review fof free. There are also specific organizations, like Partners In Health (PIH) that toward addressing the unique health disparities that people face in various countries. PIH is unique as they specifically "accompany" the governments in the countries where they work. PIH Canada might be of interest. They also have a PIH in Haiti and Rwanda that might speak more to the healthcare disparities angle.